Because of her smile,

she is the MonaLisa

of the Third Millennium.

                   (My Old 2012)

With “My Old” the eclectic and polyhedral contemporary artist Manuela Bramati wants to first create a work in earnest all the effects, but the final result, which indicates the true success of the work carried out, will be only and only given by the amused smile as you look at and understand, and that even in many cases, one hopes that it can cause a loud and irrepressible, healthy, beneficial, laugh .....

The work commissioned “My Old ‘to emphasize the reliability and protect against counterfeiting, is always accompanied by a Certificate of Guarantee where this is the date of the term of the work, the artist’s signature Manuela Bramati and the name of represented subject.

This is antique and melamine and / or distorted to give life and credibility to the new “Avo Noble Family”.

In the following pages are shown some examples of work commissioned by the elements indispensable processing.


You will need:

An expressive

cture of the customer in digital photos


of the ‘ancestor

of the family favorite:

Portrait of Lady

(Rogier van der Weyden)

Man der Brahama

Owner site


See portrayed on their appearance, in contexts suggestive as the works of great artists who have marked history, is undoubtedly fun and time yet very rewarding.


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